Uncover presents: The Humdrum Express (Full band)
with: Riche
Friday 2 February 2024
8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
£9 in advance
This show is part of Uncovers 2024 Weekender https://uncover.seetickets.com/tour/uncover-2024
The Humdrum Express
The Humdrum Express breezily deliver offbeat observation, social commentary and sharp wit; fused with familiar cultural references, surreal characters and subtle puns. ‘Famed’ for withering critique with more than 60 national spins on BBC Radio 6 Music, full band Humdrum shows are an eclectic blend of indie clatter and joyful, sardonic cheer.
Riché creates R&B and neo-soul with a glitchy, lo-fi immediacy that subtly overlays some very interesting songwriting craft. Often improvised, sometimes thoughtful, never too loud