Welcome to the jam night section! Our Jam night has been running over 20years, making us the longest running jam night of it’s kind in the UK!
The doors open at 7:30pm and the night kicks off around 8:00pm starting with acoustic / solo acts. Then from around 9:30pm, that is when the loud stuff starts! Backline provided, drums, amps and mics. Just bring your own guitars and any pedals if you wish!

Bands are welcome! Come show off your best 3 songs to an always welcoming and supportive crowd. We have our awesome talented host Jasper Taylor, with his waves of experience, you’re in safe hands to jam a song or 2 together along with our fantastic house band to look after you.
Whether you’re an experienced jammer or a beginner, or you don’t play and you just want to hear some great local talent to get you through the mid week grind. This is the night for you! All genres are very welcome. This night is for YOU the people, so come join a friendly community, have a go and have some fun, because that is what it is all about