
Bongo Monkey’s Mid-Life Crisis
with: Natasha Hurdiss

Friday 28 June 2024
8:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Tickets: Buy on-line

Unleashing Genre-Free Vibes: Blues, Funk, Soul, Pop & Rock – Live at The Marrs Bar!

Genre free troop of 5. Originals and monkified covers with a bluesy, funky, soul, pop, rock sound. Bringing it to The Marrs Bar stage for the first time. The troop are being supported by the wonderful Natasha Hurdiss who’s bringing some acoustic joy to warm up your ears.

Free entry, so free entertainment. All we ask is that you turn up, enjoy yourselves, dance, drink, sing along, clap loudly, whistle, cheer (buy us drinks), it’s that easy.


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