TTIH: Esteban!
with: Wax Futures, Black Boxes + Brownfield
Friday 20 January 2017
8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
£3 in advance £5 on the door
Esteban describe themselves as a really good idea, math rock for people who like a dance.
It is hooks! If they sound a lot easier to play than they are then we have done our job properly. Making many notes sound like a great time. We get hot and sweaty whilst relaying our anthems, but look at our faces, we really enjoy it. Come see if you do as well.
Smashing head-first through walls of screeching guitars and pounding rhythms, spilling caustic thoughts on modern living in the process. Think At the Drive-In meets Hundred Reasons and you’ll be somewhere close to the Wax Futures sound.
Anyone who’s witnessed the fearsome live performance of Black Boxes knows what to expect here and the uninitiated are in for a treat. A beast of a band. Huge riffs, a freight train rhythm section and intense, fevered vocals. Musically sitting somewhere between Black Flag, Kyuss, classic garage psych punk and noise rock. Not to be missed.
Brownfield: Improvisation enthusiasts, making quiet, subtle, loud, distorted, horrible, beautiful, sweet, disgusting sounds using anything at arms reach to do so and calling it music